Sunday, September 25


In the the last month, one of my best friends, M., has gotten engaged, bought a house with her wonder fiance, and have sold the two houses they owned separately. Not to mention planning a wedding in December. No small feat, eh? Well, these two are a Power Couple. They have intense jobs that require long hours and travelling. But I think when you're as happy as they are to get married and live together, you get it done.

Best of all, this dear friend lives closest to Smallville of all my friends from college. We've been planning a get-together, but we've all been a tad busy. This weekend, we finally found an excuse to see ach other! She is such a devoted reader of Revivalized that she realized we were banging around a big old empty house with very little furniture. She offered us the furniture they don't need for their new house. How generous and amazing is that?

We delude ourselves into thinking we were doing her a big favor, but clearly we got the good end of the deal. Like a gorgeous, dark-finish armoire that we're thinking might hold the stereo in the living room:


And a lovely, warm entertainment unit we're using to hold bed linens so we would actually have a second piece of furniture in the bedroom:


A very very useful Ikea dresser for my side of the cedar closet means I can finally unpack some of my boxes of clothes:


This nifty, 1980s-style, modern-meets-country kitchen table is now my inheritance from M's amazing mother (hey, how do you think my friend got so cool? It's not just by accident.):


Putting that set in the kitchen bumped the junky, free 1950s table to the upstairs laundry room, where I've needed someplace to fold clothes:


How cool is that loot? It seems like, despite the lag in revivalizing now that D is working again, our house is slowly becoming more and more livable. The kind of place where we could have friends visit for the weekend.

So we just want to send a big old shout-out Thank You to Sweetiebombs. And wish her and Scootie all the happiness in the world.


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